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  • 🔥🔥🔥🔥 = pretty good

  • 🔥🔥🔥 = okay

  • 🔥🔥 = pretty bad

  • 🔥 = hot garbage

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Malibu Rising

Malibu Rising

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I originally discounted Malibu Rising as a ~beach read~ that would go in one ear and out the other. I mean, look at the cover; it’s meant to be read on a beach. Taylor Jenkins Reid is prolific (she’s published eight novels in less than ten years), so I made an ass out of you and me and I *assumed* that this would be fluff. 

It was not. Instead, I was impressed by both the writing (her spot-on similes that capture a feeling so well, her seamless jumping back-and-forth in time and character), and the characters themselves. As the oldest of four siblings myself, I deeply related to the character’s relationships (two girls, two boys). Me and my three little minions are ride or dies and my feelings about family were reflected in the bonds that these characters shared.

That being said, there were elements of cheesiness. Crumbs of cheese, if you will. The moments of reconciliation and redemption are on one level heartwarming and on another level, a little overwrought and a little overly sweet.

Another disclaimer: If you like character-driven novels, I think you will probably like this. If you don’t, you will not. Honestly, there’s not a lot that happens; it’s more so about how the four siblings relate to each other and make sense of their absent, famous father who left their mother in the dust. Relationships end and romances ensue, but they’re written as accessories to highlight the person themselves. I take the point that because it covers six characters, it’s stretched thin; however, I personally feel like I got a taste of the characters that I cared about. Some were more interesting than others and, sure, I wish those people had gotten more of the spotlight, but it’s not like I was bored out of my mind reading about the others. Also, there’s something to be said for reading about beautiful, fabulous people. Nina, the eldest sibling, is both of those things, and I could have read about her putting on an earring. I give Malibu Rising a surprising 4 out of 5 flames.

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