I grade my reviews on a five flame scale:

  • 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 = fire

  • 🔥🔥🔥🔥 = pretty good

  • 🔥🔥🔥 = okay

  • 🔥🔥 = pretty bad

  • 🔥 = hot garbage

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A Court of Mist and Fury

A Court of Mist and Fury

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OKAY, THIS IS BETTER THAN THE FIRST BOOK. But it’s still not very good.

This continues to be a book that you can skim. There’s a whole lot of fluff and why…are we writing…with so many…needless ellipses? I’m also supposed to be rooting for Feyre, the main character, but I simply do not. On a day-to-day basis, I don’t think she’s very clever even though that’s supposed to be her brand. At the end of each book, she performs some theatrical, strategic gesture and then we’re apparently supposed to have collective amnesia from when she was a pouty, dramatic, unoriginal pick-me girl for the majority of the book. Example of pick-me energy:  “Mentioning that my birthday had also fallen on that longest night of the year was a fact I’d conveniently forgotten to tell anyone. I’d received enough presents, anyway–and would no doubt receive many, many more on my wedding day. I had little use for so many things.” Yes, Feyre, you’re soooo grounded.

Lawd, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Once I took a breath and ignored the stuff that was pissing me off, I genuinely got into this series. This book took the lemons of A Court of Thorns and Roses and turned it into lemonade. The first book is by nature more “set up the world” vibes, and this book took advantage of that, serving us readers some juicier goods. It had more genuinely surprising twists, more believable and more interesting character development, and more action in general. I finally felt like the plot was going somewhere rather than just running in circles. I am now in a position (or prison…) where I need to know what happens next. 

While I am more invested in the characters, I am still not sold on this series as a whole. I think that it’s exciting to participate in a world that a bunch of people are into and I get that these things are fun so I need to chill and stop taking it all so seriously. That being said, the writing really could be better and I have to believe that there’s a middle ground between this and the density of something like Game of Thrones. So, A Court of Mist and Fury receives 3 out of 5 flames. *SPOILER ALERT: Don’t look below unless you want me to spoil stuff!

*Alright, this is for the VIPs who have read the book and may or may not appreciate the following random thoughts I wrote while reading:

-I picture Lucien exclusively as Orlando Blooms from LOTR

-Obviously Ianthe was untrustworthy from the get-go. You’re fertile AF, you scurry away at the first sign of trouble, and now you’re randomly lingering and injecting yourself in my wedding? Bye. The fact that Feyre blindly trusts her is further evidence of her dumbassery

-Rhysand saying “Feyre darling” is the smut we want, the smut we need

-So annoying that Feyre didn’t think Rhysand’s flirtations were genuine for so long like GIRL THIS GUY'S IN LOVE WITH YOU WHY ARE YOU SO DUMB

-Is anyone team Tamlin over Rhysand? Surely not, that feels impossible

-I’m glad that Elain and Nesta are fae now because I was tired of Nesta being up her own mortal ass and I feel like there’s a lot Maas can do with this plot-wise

-Cringing at the thought of Feyre pretending to like Tamlin in the next book, like I’m uncomfortable thinking about it, make it stop.

The Women

The Women

Rabbit, Run

Rabbit, Run